Sunday, February 24, 2008

February 25, 2008 Resources for Lesson

Sorry that I am not there today, I am not feeling well today. In my absence, I have left this activity for you to complete before you get back into your podcasts. I would like you to listen to these student created podcasts and then answer the questions below to evaluate them. You will be evaluating them based on the 10 minute podcast guidelines we have already studied.

Based on the Podcasts you listened to, please answer the following in a new google doc and add me as a collaborator so that I may view your work.

  1. Does this podcast establish a clear purpose and maintain focus throughout?
  2. Is the student creative with his/her podcast and are they able to maintain the attention of the listener?
  3. Does the speaker or speakers have a smooth a delivery?
  4. Are the speakers naturally conversational or does the content appear monotone?
  5. Does the podcast seem to be well rehearsed?
  6. Is correct grammar consistently used?
  7. Does the speaker maintain a good voice volume throughout?
  8. Does the creator use music effectively?
  9. Are transitions smooth and well spaced without any dead air?
  10. Is this podcast able to keep the audience engaged for it's length?

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