Tuesday, May 13, 2008

This is a sprite

It can be any thing, person, or place you want it to be. You can control what a sprite does. They can only do those things if they know how to do them. Sprites already know how to do some things, but it is your job to make sprites do more complicated things by using the few simple things that they already do know how to do. So in a way, you are teaching the sprite what to do. You can teach it to walk, run, jump, talk, or anything else you are clever enough to teach them to do.

You can tell a sprite to do something it already knows by putting a Script Block into the Script Window. To pick which Sprite you are controlling, select it from the window on the bottom right. Your sprites can be seen in action in your World Preview Window.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Gaming Trends

You will be paired in groups of two according to the information you gathered on Wednesday. Your work will be handed back to you and you are to sit with your partner. Together, you will:

Review the following article: NY Times Gaming Trends focusing on the following questions:

a. What have been some common stereotypes about video games and video game users?
b. What has changed and why?
c. What new audiences are being drawn to gaming? Why?
d. Who changed the trend?
e. How have users responded to the shift?
f. Why have consumer companies been surprised by the shift?
g. What might this shift suggest to companies about their understanding of consumers who use their products?
h. How might the online gaming trend mirror the popularity of social networking sites?
i. How do you think players from different countries communicate when playing the same game?

View snippets of the games featured in the article at Harmonix(http://www.harmonixmusic.com/), Activision Blizzard (http://www.activisionblizzard.com/) and Vivendi (http://www.vivendi.com/corp/en/home/index.php); or other popular games on a Web site such as Game Rankings (http://www.gamerankings.com/), Game Trailers (http://www.gametrailers.com/player/22768.html) or Spike TV's 2007 Video Game Awards (http://www.ifilm.com/show/23733).

Groups should work toward formulating predictions about future trends in gaming. On chart paper, write short statements, two or three sentences, describing the trends you will consider in greater detail. For example, you might decide that the next trend is an online version of Wii in which global participants compete in tennis or bowling, and hold a Wii World Series. If so, you might cite reports of the role of Wii in combatting couch-potato syndrome in kids, the trend toward intergenerational, international gaming and the stock prices for Wii.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Since we have been simulating the life of a third world farmer, it is time to take a look at these countries using Google Earth.  You should already have Google Earth installed on your computer.  If not, please let me know and I will install it.

Click on the link below and map out the countries I assign to you individually.

Third World Countries

You will then take a "thumbtack" to create a place mark on the Google Earth.  In the details, you will include the country name, population, the Gross National Income (GNI) and the natural resources.  

Ms. B

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Horowitz and Zinn in China


Check out the comments left by our fearless leaders and their colleagues.  Please reply to Ms. Horowitz in particular.  Hers is entitled Second Time Around.

Ms. B

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Third World Farmer

Click here for Third World Farmer experience

New Google Feature!

Gmail custom time

Do Now:  Read the above feature that has been added to Gmail and then read on.  Be sure to read the testimonials from other users.

Using Google Docs, describe three ways in which the Custom Time feature could benefit you.  Also, describe three ways in which the Custom Time feature could possibly cause more harm than good.  Please share your document with me at iburgos2@schools.nyc.gov.

Ms. B

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Storyboarding the PSA

Do Now:

Go to the following site:

Learning PSA's

Midway down the site, you will find a post called "Don't use drugs PSA" from January 4, 2008. Please review the PSA, the storyboard and the script individually.

Once you have done that, please discuss the PSA regarding drugs with your group. Using this google doc, please work on section 2 entitle Research. Be sure your research matches these requirements.

Then go on to the Data Representation portion of the document and complete the task stated as a group.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Intro to Public Service Announcements

Do Now:

Go to the following site:

View a Public Service announcement and consider the following questions:

How do the actors portray the message?
What persuasive methods are used in the video?
Were voiceovers used?
Did the PSA use text on the screen?

Monday, March 10, 2008

Reducing Carbon Footprints

Read this NY Times article and answer the following questions in the form of a google notebook document. Share your document with me at iburgos2@schools.nyc.gov.
a. What is the mission of the Westport Green Energy Task Force?
b. What actions, according to the article, can people easily take to reduce their individual carbon footprint?
c. In your opinion, are most people willing to do these things to reduce their impact on the Earth? Why or why not?
d. What evidence is there that Americans’ attitudes toward climate change are evolving?
e. In the article, Kimberly Lake is quoted as saying that “trickle up isn’t enough. You need trickle down if you want to make massive change.” What does she mean by this statement?
f. In your opinion, what steps, if any, should national, state and local government take in order to reduce emissions?
g. What obstacles continue to face groups like the Westport Green Energy Task Force in their efforts to make a difference?

Wait until instructed before moving on.

Brainstorm individually in your journals in response to the following prompt: “Think about some of the ways that carbon-based natural resources, such as coal, oil and gas, are used within our local area. Make a list of examples under the four categories written on the board.”

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Podcast Deadline Approaching!

Just a reminder to you all, your podcasts are due on Friday March 7th, 2008.  I suggest that between today and tomorrow you present to me a near finished draft for me to evaluate.  I want to be sure you are using all the tools we learned about to make the best podcast possible.  

As always, please see me if you have any questions or concerns.

Ms. B

Monday, March 3, 2008

Podcast Rubric

Here is the link. Check it out and compare your work to what the rubric describes.

Continue your great work!

Ms. B

Sunday, February 24, 2008

February 25, 2008 Resources for Lesson

Sorry that I am not there today, I am not feeling well today. In my absence, I have left this activity for you to complete before you get back into your podcasts. I would like you to listen to these student created podcasts and then answer the questions below to evaluate them. You will be evaluating them based on the 10 minute podcast guidelines we have already studied.

Based on the Podcasts you listened to, please answer the following in a new google doc and add me as a collaborator so that I may view your work.

  1. Does this podcast establish a clear purpose and maintain focus throughout?
  2. Is the student creative with his/her podcast and are they able to maintain the attention of the listener?
  3. Does the speaker or speakers have a smooth a delivery?
  4. Are the speakers naturally conversational or does the content appear monotone?
  5. Does the podcast seem to be well rehearsed?
  6. Is correct grammar consistently used?
  7. Does the speaker maintain a good voice volume throughout?
  8. Does the creator use music effectively?
  9. Are transitions smooth and well spaced without any dead air?
  10. Is this podcast able to keep the audience engaged for it's length?

Monday, February 4, 2008

Class assignment for February 5, 2008


Ethiopia Ashley Cifu, Marco Muniz, Astonn DeFelice, Elizabeth Che
Jordan Heather Vale, Corinne Fairlie, Ashley Fishkis , Sam Murphy
Israel Thomas Tarnowski, Alicia Pepitone, Shaun Quinto, Kasey Fausak
India Lena Abdel Hamid, Justin Lefkowitz, Jeremy Smith, Sarah Palumbo
Sudan Justin Friedman, Samantha Goon, Qadeem Goodman, Jeffrey Pennington, Tiffany Cho

So, here we are. My first absence and I am trusting you will all conduct yourselves as if I were there. I have told you that your assignment will be waiting for you on the blog and here it is, posted for you all.

Materials needed: computers with internet access; group list.
Time Allotted: Two full class periods. You will not be finished on Tuesday, this will continue Wednesday.


Water is essential to all forms of life on earth and it is central to many of the world's religions. Although most of the world's surface is composed of water, only 1% of that water is fresh water. As the world's population grows, as available sources of fresh water begin to disappear, or as nations pollute the water supply, a lack of fresh water will no longer remain an isolated issue. It threatens the quality of human life by causing crop failures, transmitting water-born diseases, and creating violent conflicts as governments, unable to cope with such complex economic and social issues, become more aggressive in an effort to satisfy their peoples or search for 'scapegoats' to justify their own failed policies.

World Bank officials have suggested that the next world war might very well be fought, not over oil or politics, but over water. As world population figures increase and water resources become more scarce, water will become a matter of national security. Where problems caused by access to fresh water become mixed up with religion and power politics, the situation can become explosive.

How can the world prepare itself to deal with problems as these? One way to understand better the importance of water on politics is to focus on a few countries where the situation is becoming acute and to simulate the problem solving process which might be used by world leaders.


In the following simulation you will first be organized into what diplomats refer to as a 'country team'. You will examine the forces which shape policy within that Third World nation, examine the problem of water scarcity globally, come to consensus on a national water policy, write a proposal to solve the problem, and, finally, debate the various proposals prepared by your classmates in a simulation of a United Nations Task Force set up to resolve issues related to water scarcity.

Ask yourself the following questions to help you identify with your role as a citizen of the world.

What do you think it would be like to live where you did not have adequate water to survive?

How would you survive?

How would you feel if a country which bordered yours began to build a dam that would divert water upon which you depended for survival to serve the citizens of that other country?

What problems would such a dam create within your country?

How do you think leaders of your government might respond to such a move on the part of the neighboring government?

Can these problems be solved by organizations like the United Nations ?

What happens if citizens from your country begin to invade the borders of another in search of scarce resources?


The issue of managing the world's water sources is not just important to scientists. It is vital to your survival and is likely to affect the way you will be living in the 21st century. But, you may ask, where do I look for the specialized information I need? Below are a few suggestions which all of you are expected to read and study:
Managing fragile ecosystems:Combating desertification and drought


Stage One:
Read the articles assigned for the entire class, and identify a few of the most serious problems which are connected to water rights.

Stage Two:
The class will be divided into 'country teams' (see above) and you and your team will represent one of the following developing nations:


At this stage of the process you must begin to gather information about your assigned country which will help you understand its problems and represent its viewpoint effectively. This information might include:

identifying your major sources of fresh water;
identifying any problems which your nation is having such as ethnic conflicts within your nation or disagreements with other countries in your region;
briefly describe how decisions are made in your country

Stage Three:

Part A
The members of your team or delegation will be composed of individuals who have special responsibilities or roles to perform. These are listed below. Assign the specific jobs indicated below and complete the tasks assigned to that 'character'. The success of the coming debate will depend on how well you play your part. Since there are more roles than group members, I would like you to decide, as a group which roles you will research together.

Delegate to the United Nations

The Environmentalist

The Human Rights Activist

The National Leader

The Religious Leader

The Zero Population Growth Expert

Part B
After reading the links assigned to your 'character', meet in a 'job alike' (that is, with those who were assigned the same character as you in other countries). In the 'job alike' phase, discuss the information you gathered, your viewpoint,and your assigned task. The purpose of this phase is to make sure that you can be a strong advocate for your character's views and insure that the discussions and debate which follow will have sufficient depth and complexity to reflect the real world situtation.

Part C
Now return to your country teams. The National Leader is to guide the discussion at this stage. Every member of the group should be a strong advocate for your viewpoint as you develop a consensus on about 4-5 points which you believe your nation can support in a resolution.

Stage Four:
In your country team, formulate a position in the form of a United Nations Resolution which proposes a workable way to solve the problem of water scarcity while insuring that each (Your delegate to the United Nations should be prepared to teach you the correct format!)

Stage Five
Defend your nation's position in an imaginary United Nations Committee meeting.

Stage Six
After completing the United Nations simulation, we will conduct a 'debriefing' in class to evaluate what you have learned about the importance of water to sustainable communities and make some observations about policy options.

Friday, February 1, 2008

World Leaders and Social Networking

Welcome to your first homwork assignment!

As discussed in class, I am asking that you create an online Social Networking profile using myspace.com. You are to select from the personalities of the world leaders we mentioned. Some are listed here:

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
Fidel Castro
Vladimir Putin
Ariel Sharon
Saddam Hussein
Kim Jong-il
George Bush
Queen Elizabeth II
Hugo Chavez

Remember our discussions regarding what goes into an online profile:
Your leader's name
Create a screen name
Would this person list their birthdate or age range?
If so, would it be accurate or embellished?
What type of picture would this person use to portray their personality?
Would it be a recent photo, an old photo, an icon, an avatar, etc?
What political or religious views might be conveyed in the profile?
Is this person married, single, divorced?
Would he or she tell the truth lie about his or her status?
What privacy settings would this person use to control this profile?
Would he or she allow open access or require selective availability?

What adjectives would you use to describe this person's behavior?
How might this subject's personality affect the information found in this profile?
What are the person's strengths and weaknesses?
How might these weaknesses be recast as strenghts for an online networking profile?
What education, if any, would this character or person list?
How might this person describe his or her work?
What might be listed under the prompt "What are you doing right now"?

What other people would be part of this person's network or group?
What would other people write in their comments to this person?

What personal info would be listed?
Include activities, interest, music, tv shows, movies and books, and fav. quotes.
What photos or videos would be posted to the profile? (explanantions can be written)
What virtual gifts would this person have received?